Hey guys back again!!
So our media class had to do an ideolgy quiz to find out more about about our values, morals and what have you..(Defintion of Ideolgy:the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.)
So for the quiz we had to answer some questions which were based on different topics like education, race, religion, politics etc..So my ultimite restult was a mixtuer of answers cause I just couldn't choose what to pick.
Here's my Result: Lots of opinions on different issues but you've never stopped to think about how they relate to each other or whether or not they are consistent. You woud find it hard to choose a candidate to vote for in an election.OR you had trouble fitting in your complex opinions into overly simplistic one sentence answers this quiz offered and eneded up contradicting youself.
So the quiz reveled that my beliefs and vaules ARE actually pretty complex and that I DO actually have alot of opinions on one specific issue and i can't really make up mind mind one one thing.. which is not soo bad i think lol.
The quiz really didn't challenge alot of my values but it mostly comfirmed on some of them like for instance my religion, I am christian and have been for ever so i have always been brought up with certain belifs not only from church/the bible but my parents as well..
I do agree with the results, I do like to think both ways in certain issues so yea is it somes me up pretty well I must say.
So yea that the ideolgy qui and what i thought about it..
See you later.
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